My Krazy & Frazzled Life

Welcome to my documented journey through weight loss and rediscovery. Please walk with me down this jagged unascertained path that so many have wandered down before. Follow along as I hobble through days of despair, desperation, and struggles as well as days of joy, triumph, and discovery.

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Location: Iowa, United States

I`m 43 years old. Have been married for 24 years. I have a son who is 23, and a daughter who is 21.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Pass Due Update!

Wrote on Monday, January 7th 2008 11:23 PM

Well I guess I should make some kind of update. Sorry it has been so long. I have been in a deep depression, with increasing anxiety, so I just haven't felt like updating at all.
My daughter finally agreed to come home. The main reason... so she can get the medical care she needs here in the United States. She will be arriving Jan 11th. I can't even tell you how happy and excited this makes me! She will live with us till she gets on her feet. She will get a job and save the money to work towards bringing her husband here. She is happy to be coming home, but extremely sad because she has to leave her love behind. This will be one of the hardest things she will have to do. She has grown and matured so much since she left Aug 1st. I can't wait to see her! Her birds and our cat will also be so glad to see her!
Ok time for an update about my weight. *sigh* It's been a real struggle just to stay and maintain my weight, and I didn't know why! I haven't been exercising, so I thought that was it. A few more weeks pass and a few more pounds were added. And it finally hit me. I was put on a new medicine for depression and anxiety in November and then the dose was increased the middle of December. So I looked this medication up online. I found out it can cause weight gain! O_O I shouldn't be surprised, I had heard of antidepressants causing weight gain, but I told myself... it can't actually MAKE you gain weight, it just increases your appetite, you would just have to watch what you ate. Well that maybe true, but for me it not only increased my appetite, I was obsessing over food! I HAD to have it NOW!! So I called my doctor and she took me off of it and wants me to start a different one. I don't know what to do. I am already taking Wellbutrin, and it doesn't cause weight gain, but obviously, it wasn't doing the job by itself, so I am a little afraid of starting any other medications cause I don't want to gain anymore. When I started this new medicine in Nov I was 134 and when I weighed this morning I was 144! But on the other hand I want to feel good. Before this new medicine my anxiety was through the roof. Oh yeah, the medicine I was put on that I gained weight with was Remeron.
An update on my cat, Tuesday. So far she is holding her own. When her antibiotics run out... a week later she starts getting sick, doesn't eat a lot. So I just keep them on hand for her. I know the day will come when antibiotics will not help anymore. I will cross that bridge when I get to it. Kelsey is so afraid Tuesday will die before she gets home. With that I will leave you with this video of my beautiful baby. If you view it on my youtube page the images don't look so stretched out! Just double click on it. If you haven't already seen this please rate and make sure you leave Tuesday a comment!!


Blogger Passmore said...

my mom has a cat that looks like that

11:31 AM  
Blogger My Krazy And Frazzled Life said...

Yes when we visited she was telling me she had a cat that looked like Tuesday, but I never got a chance to see it. Do you have any pictures?

5:42 PM  

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